Medium-lenght film Narrative / 59 min / 2010
– Festival de Vendôme
– Festival de Vila do Conde (Portugal)
– Festival du Moyen Métrage de Brive : Prix du Public
– Festival Côté Courts à Pantin : Grand Prix & Prix d’interprétation masculine
– Festival de Belfort : Grand Prix du Jury Fiction court-métrage
Teen feels like an outsider. He decides to stop school and to leave his mother.
It’s winter, he is alone. He meets Nico.
Come spring, Teen, Nico, Adrien and Thomas isolate themselves in an old country farm to compose and record music. They share a love for the same music as well as a way of seeing the world.
Cast :
Vivien Galinon – Nicolas Guerrier – Thomas Delperie – Adrien Dournel – Marion Bessaguet – Fleur-Lise Heuet – Elina Lowenshon
Un film written and directed by Antoine Parouty / Produced by Isabelle Mathy and Delphine Schmit / Light Benoit Deleris / Camera Antoine Parouty / Sound Josephina Rodriguez / Assistant Frédéric Bernard / Location management Valentin Dignac / Editing Damien Maestraggi / Sound Editing Mikael Barre / Mix Gilles Benardeau
Funding : Région Limousin film commission, the Centre National du Cinéma et de l’Image Animée (contribution financière) and Arte France
With the support of CÉCI – Centre des écritures cinématographiques