Filmography :
2013 : Silence Radio (medium length documentary film)
2010 : Dimanches (short film)
2008 : Bonne nuit (narrative short film)
After studying Business management, Valéry Rosier starts a filmschool in Belgium (IAD).
In 2008, he shoots « Good Night », a short film that wins a large amount of prizes all over the world and gets nominated at the European Film Awards in 2009.On the side he works as a director assistant on some feature films and participate at experimental projects with the belgian artist Pierre de Muelenaere.
In 2011, he shoots a new short film « Sundays » that wins the “Discovery Prize” at the Critics Week in Cannes Festival and many other prizes all avec the world.In 2013 he finishes a musical documentary, « Silence radio », in the north of France that wins numerous prizes (Fipa d’or 2013, Mitrani Prize, etc.)