A film by Vincent Gérard
19 minutes / Fiction / 2020
In the Basque country, one sunny and cold day, a young european deputy, with strong ambitions, comes to “consult” almost anonymously an old Spanish intellectual, former exiled from Euskadi. He sees right through her, but will it be enough?
A film written and directed by Vincent Gérard
With Laure-Lucile Simon and Philippe Houriet
First assistant director Maïder Elcano / Director of photography Cédric Laty / First assistant DOP Adrien David / Sound Stéphane Gessat / Location management Clément Boute / Editing Vincent Gérard / Sound editing Robin Benisri / Mix Fred Bielle / Color grading Cédric Laty
Produced by Gaëlle Jones – Perspective Films
In partnership with la Maison des Productions
With support of CNC – aide au programme de production
And the support of de la Procirep et de l’Angoa