The shape of his body with the excess of dust

A film by Romain Kronenberg

Short film / 20 minutes / Experimental fiction

A young man is traveling on a cargo ship, crossing the oceans. Thanks to a radio, he keeps the contact with some men that he met on the road, soon after he went into exile. He tells them the decline of his motherland, that was set to fire in the hope of freeing inhabitants from the Myth become devitalised. Soon, any radio transmission is lost ; the distance is getting too long. From now on disconnected and lonely, the main character embarks upon a long monologue taking the shape of a poem where he evokes torpor and hope, past and future, the map and the compass symbolised by the ocean that the movement of the cargo ship splits in a trail of froth.

With Adrien Dantou, Florian Desbiendras & Julia Mingo

Written and directed by par Romain Kronenberg
Produced by Delphine Schmit, Perspective Films