Feature Film / Fiction / 90 min / 2021
Following an urban redevelopment project, Géro is about to be evicted from his home and his small theatre, where he no longer plays since he lost his voice. A nephew he barely knows suddenly settles in his home. He wants to write.
A film written and directed by Gaël Lépingle / Produced by par Gaëlle Jones and Nadejda Tilhou
With Ludovic Douare, Delphine Chuillot, Renan Prevot, Georges Gay / Image Vianney Lambert / Assistant to the director Géraldine Seguin / Sound Vincent Reignier / Editing Benoit Quinon / Sound editing Romain Ozanne / Mix Gilles Bénardeau
Coproduced by Perspective Films and Cent Soleils
Distribution (France) La Traverse
Festivals :
– Entrevues Belfort 2017, Films en cours section
– Grand Prix of the French Competition at the FID Marseille 2018
– Entrevues Belfort 2018, French Competition
– Rendez-vous with French Cinema de New York 2019
– Festival à l’Est du Nouveau 2019
– Sicilia Queer Filmfest 2019