Immemorial, Songs of the Great Night

A film by Béatrice Kordon
Feature Film / Documentary / 2023 / in post-production

Death is on the horizon of every life, and yet, we know nothing of it, and we can’t say anything about it. We can only attempt to grasp some reflections through the mirror that we hold out to it: myths, rituals, dances… which then become places where can be established ties with the inexpressible.
Essentially based on documentary materials, and inspired by the narrative structure of myths, this film is an invitation to walk towards the edge of the inexpressible, between the world of the living and the world of the dead, between visible and invisible, between creation and destruction, and to go beyond the contradictions.

Written by Béatrice Kordon / Assistants director Valentina Bechi, Emanuela Meloni, Marie Lelardoux, Haris Nikolaïdis / Image  Béatrice Kordon / Sound Marie Lelardoux, Haris Nikolaïdis, Jonathan Le Fourn / Mixing Laure Arto / Editing Béatrice Kordon / Color grading Sébastien Descoins / Original music Naïssam Jalal

Produced by Gaëlle Jones, Perspective Films
With the support of Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée, Tënk, Région Normandie, Scam, Sacem and CECI-Moulin d’Andé.